Workers' Compensation

The  attorneys of Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc. help clients who have been injured at work, either due to exposure to toxic substances or through other occupational injuries (back strains, bone fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.).  In many cases, the only form of compensation for a work-related injury is through the filing of a workers㯭pensation claim.  Our firm handles workers튉 compensation claims related to Ohio employers. 


Lump Sum Settlements

Sick employees or their family may be able to collect their workers' compensation benefits in a lump (cash) sum.  Injured workers should be very careful when entering into a lump sum settlement agreement with their employer.  The attorneys at Bevan & Associates will work to maximize the settlement amount on a claim to ensure that the claimant receives fair compensation.


Medical Benefits

Employees or former employees who have been injured or become ill as a result of work-related injuries or occupational diseases may have all medical and hospital bills relevant to the treatment of their illness paid in full.


Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

Permanent partial disability is a permanent disability of a partial nature that involves the permanent limitation or restriction of the use of a portion of the body.  The claimant will be examined by one or more doctors to determine the extent of residual disability that remains after the work-related injury.  The claimant is awarded a percentage and receives a cash award for their permanent partial disability.  Based on our experience, many injured workers are not aware that they are entitled to permanent partial disability. If the claimant has lost a body part (amputation) or the use of a body part, they may be entitled to a scheduled loss award.


Permanent Total Disability Payments (PTD)

If the employee੬lness is so severe that he or she is unable to ever return to work, the employee will be entitled to this compensation, which pays out a percentage of the employeeలojected future earnings for the remainder of his or her natural life (prior to becoming ill). Social Security disability or other long-term disability benefits are usually considered at this point.


Temporary Total Disability

While the employee is recovering from a work-related illness and cannot do his or her regular job, he or she is entitled to temporary total disability benefits. The employee will continue to receive a percentage of his or her weekly salary until a doctor determines that the employee can return to work, either part-time or full time.


Wage Loss Compensation

If an employee suffers a wage loss as a result of an allowed occupational injury, he or she may be entitled to wage loss compensation.  Wage loss is the difference between the employeeలesent earnings and the greater amount of the employee঵ll weekly wage or average weekly wage.


Death Benefits

If the occupational injury or exposure resulted in death, a surviving spouse and/or dependent children of a decedent are generally entitled to a death benefits award at a scheduled amount.


If you have a question about workers㯭pensation benefits, contact Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc. for a free consultation at (877) 873-2879.

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Copyright 2007
Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc.
Toll-Free Phone: (877) 873-2879
Bevan & Associates LPA, Inc.
10360 Northfield Road
Northfield, Ohio 44067
Toll-free Phone: (877) 873-2879
Fax: (330) 467-4493
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